prostate infection (prostatitis)

prostate infection (prostatitis)

Postby paul Goranson » Sat May 15, 2004 11:37 am

Ten years ago I was diagnosed with BPH, a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. I was advised by the first urologist to have "roto-rooter" surgery, which I declined after reviewing its harmful side-effects. Instead, he placed me on Hytrin and then Cardura, medications designed to lower blood pressure, that presumably would relieve pain and difficulty of urination. These drugs turned me into a vegetable without enough energy to rake a leaf on my lawn. Simple walking exhausted me. I discontinued use and started ingesting mega-vitamins.
Another urologist prescribed Proscar, which is useless except as chemical castration. I continued mega-doses of vitamins and supplements including beta-sitosterol (the active ingredient in Saw Palmetto, but much more concentrated) and Quercetin (an anti-histamine), along with the usual men's prostate formulas. These natural supplements helped and provided some measure of relief, but not nearly enough. I still suffered miserably.
I regularly had painful prostatitis that could only be alleviated while on Cipro, a powerful antiobiotic. At this point I learned of colloidal silver and fortunately connected with the best source in Purest Colloids, Inc. Its product, Mesosilver, which is 75% true colloid and only 25% ions truly worked to return me to near-normal. I began to hope for recovery from a condition I would not wish on anyone.
A tablespoon a day stabilized my painful condition and megadoses allowed me to discontinue ingestion of colloidal silver for weeks at a time. Mesosilver controlled the prostititis infection that drove me wild and forced me into a lifestyle of always looking for a "john" or a tree wherever I went. My social life has been restored to something nearer normal and the panic over finding a place to "pee" wherever I went has abated.
As far as the BPH is concerned, I rejected the urologists contention that BPH and possible prostate cancer is caused by too much testesterone. Older men like me don't have that much testosterone left. Alternative medicine has shown that when a man gradually loses testesterone by aging, his estrogen level begins to climb. Thus, it is surplus estrogen that enlarges the prostate and brings on prostatitis and possibly cancer. I sent a saliva sample to ZRT Lab to measure hormone levels and learned that I was very low in both testesterone and progesterone and very high in estadiol (a form of estrogen). Now I an supplementing with testesterone cream and progesterone cream (which combines to reduce estrogen levels) and experiencing significant lowering of PSA. This PSA drop indicates my prostate is shrinking. Currently I have confidence for continuing recovery, thank God!
I continue use of Mesosilver from Purest Colloids, Inc., the natural colloidal element which put me on the road of recovery and I recommend its many other uses for improved or regained health. God bless to all!
paul Goranson
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Joined: Sat May 15, 2004 10:30 am
Location: Wayne, NJ

Postby DK » Thu May 27, 2004 11:06 am

Prostate Infection

I have suffered from a reoccurring prostatitis infection for over 20 years. In a good year, I’ll have it once or twice, in a bad year, four or five times. The symptoms can be more or less severe and include pressure, major or minor discomfort and a definite “draggy” feeling. I have taken antibiotics many times, but none ever helped. It’s a very stubborn infection; even urologists agree that it is very hard to clear up. Then I heard that silver was good at clearing up infections. I was concerned about the side effect of argyria, but I researched this product and felt safe taking it.

When I take the silver, the prostatitis symptoms pretty much subside immediately. It took me awhile to feel comfortable saying this, because symptoms do come and go even without the silver, but now I’m pretty confident that the silver reliably takes care of the symptoms in a matter of days. And I notice that when I go off it, the symptoms come back. What I don’t know is if the silver can totally get rid of the infection for good, or how long I’d have to stay on it to find out, but I’ll look into it and let you know.

D.K., age 65

at a loss

Postby NewtoSilver » Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:16 pm

Hi there,
I'm 45 and my prostatis story starts back in 1997. WHat I thought was a urinary infection turned out to be a raging prostate infection. First prescrip of cipro - first 300 bucks. Since then it's been one prescrip after another each worth 300 bucks a time. The last time I told the doc, this is stupid, someone is getting very rich off my infection. So he prescribed sulpher-meth - a different form of anti biotic - less potent but dirt cheap. No luck, more cipro. I must have spent 2 - 3K on drugs now - each time these drugs compromise my immune system and clear up the problem for a maximum of six months. I pee with the strength of a man of 80, my urine stinks, my underwear stinks after 2 days from constant dribbling and I don't know what else to do? I'm trying the silver for the first time. I've had it about 5 days now and basically I take two half mouthfuls a day. One in the am and one in the pm. As of yet - I'm still waiting for the earth to move but I'm hopeful. The prostatis is really an annoyance. I keep very fit, lift weights, cardio - I feel I do as much as I can. Yet, I can't beat this thing. I sleep like crap and I swear its due to constant infection of my prostate.
I'd LOVE some input from anyone who recognizes my symptoms and has found something to alleviate it. I take the beta siterols but still things aint right.
Please respond if you have ANY input - thanks.
Howard age 45.

Change your dosage to improve the effectiveness

Postby Frank » Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:19 pm

Hi there,
I'm 45 and my prostatis story starts back in 1997. WHat I thought was a urinary infection turned out to be a raging prostate infection. First prescrip of cipro - first 300 bucks. Since then it's been one prescrip after another each worth 300 bucks a time. The last time I told the doc, this is stupid, someone is getting very rich off my infection. So he prescribed sulpher-meth - a different form of anti biotic - less potent but dirt cheap. No luck, more cipro. I must have spent 2 - 3K on drugs now - each time these drugs compromise my immune system and clear up the problem for a maximum of six months. I pee with the strength of a man of 80, my urine stinks, my underwear stinks after 2 days from constant dribbling and I don't know what else to do? I'm trying the silver for the first time. I've had it about 5 days now and basically I take two half mouthfuls a day. One in the am and one in the pm. As of yet - I'm still waiting for the earth to move but I'm hopeful. The prostatis is really an annoyance. I keep very fit, lift weights, cardio - I feel I do as much as I can. Yet, I can't beat this thing. I sleep like crap and I swear its due to constant infection of my prostate.
I'd LOVE some input from anyone who recognizes my symptoms and has found something to alleviate it. I take the beta siterols but still things aint right.
Please respond if you have ANY input - thanks.
Howard age 45.

To improve the effectiveness change the dosage to one tablespoon (one half ounce) taken 4 times a day on an emtpy stomach (at least 15 minutes before a meal for 2 hours after a meal). It is more effective to spread the dosage out evenly through the day, rather than take it only twice a day as you are now doing.


Re: Change your dosage to improve the effectiveness

Postby Guest » Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:47 pm

Frank wrote:
To improve the effectiveness change the dosage to one tablespoon (one half ounce) taken 4 times a day on an emtpy stomach (at least 15 minutes before a meal for 2 hours after a meal). It is more effective to spread the dosage out evenly through the day, rather than take it only twice a day as you are now doing.


Thanks Frank, I assume you have had good results using the silver? Is your condition similar to mine?

Thanks for your input.

Postby Mtox » Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:05 am

Hey Guest

Frank reckons his Meso Platinum will help as does mega doses of silver.
Whilst using mega doses of silver take a bath every day in 3% H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) solution. The bathing concentration is the equivalent of 20drops of 3% solution in a 200ml glass of water. So in a 160Lt bath this would be about 700mls. You will need to do this for at least one month so you will require 4gallons of it and this will cost you a couple of hundred bucks.

Don’t worry about any side effects, as the only thing you will get is good health from it and a deep sense of relaxation from the oxygen absorption, which you likely need in your condition.

How it works? To the best of my reading and understanding (and I am not a G.P) You will be immersed in the bathing solution so it will be right where it needs to be and the oxygen is easily absorbed through the skin and into the tissues, including the prostate area, which really is not far inside the body from the pelvic floor muscles so the O2 can reach it and oxidise the pathogen. Don’t worry about the oxidants in your body as the body responds by producing extra anti-oxidants that then clear the excess oxidants, thus no free radicals. Use silver at the same time for a double wammy on the pathogen.

Do not take the H2O2 intenally wilst on silver but after finishing your course then take H2O2 intenally, at 20 drops of 3% solution in a 200ml glass of water 4 times per day, and keep on bathing in it. This way you get it through the skin and internally.

You could try Pomegranate fruit and the juice, now proven extremely effective against prostatitis. Also, lots of tomatoes are helpful.

Failing this I would consult an alternate healer such as a Homeopath but ensure they use a diagnostic machine known as a Mora machine, this will help a great deal. Just bear in mind that Mora machines although very good are not perfect and can be unreliable. Having written this the machine is useful for curly problems and can also provide a healing function.


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Location: Queensland Australia

Re: prostate infection (prostatitis)

Postby exxnob » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:18 am

I appreciated your post dated may 15,2004,almost 5 years ago. I hope that you have resolved your problem which I hope to duplicate. I did order the ZRT saliva test. Now the question that I would like to ask you is from whom did you purchase the
testosterone and progesterone cream products? Thanks. Albert Bonte in Greer SC
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:22 am

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