Is there hope for me?

Is there hope for me?

Postby Soliel » Mon May 10, 2004 6:53 pm

Hi everyone. I have had chronic toe fungus for many years. I have tried so many things and they barely make a dent. I wonder if there are different types of toe nail fungus? Some people's fungus problems go away so soon, while others like mine are so hard to get rid of. My nails are thick and yellowed and crumbly at times. Any hope for me?
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Joined: Mon May 10, 2004 6:48 pm

Postby Friend » Wed May 26, 2004 2:43 pm

Yes, there's hope for you. Try Mesosilver! I've talked to so many people who have had amazing results with this product!

M Cohen

hopefully, there is hope!

Postby moey » Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:00 am

Hey soliel,

I can empathize so much with your story. Apparently there is hope though, if I am to believe all the sensational testimony in this forum.

Like you, I have suffered unsightly toenail fungus for many years (making matters worse, I am also struggling with a painful ganglion cyst on my wrist...another problem for mesosilver?). I have been very self-conscious for as many years about showing my feet in public and I have always worried that I will never again be comfortable going bare feet or wearing sandals in public. It has been awful for me psychologically. I am very embarrassed at the sight of my toes.

Finally, out of desperation, I sought out a podiatrist who insisted that Lamisil would cure my problem. Being desperate, I am now taking the drug and it is slow going and horribly expensive! I only wish I had found this forum first. But, you can rest assured that I am going to purchase a bottle of this product right away and see for myself what so many others here are reporting.

Good luck!

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