Cirrhosis and Silver

Cirrhosis and Silver

Postby BrendaF » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:44 pm

I've known about my hep c for 3 years. I don't know how I got it or how long that I have had it. I need to have a liver bx for staging. My question is, "Does anyone know if the CS can help with Cirrhosis? Thank You
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liver benefits

Postby Jeff Boggs » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:39 pm

I have heard of no direct benefits to the liver from colloidal silver, however, reducing the viral load may help from damaging the liver further. It seems to vary from person to person.
Jeff Boggs
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Postby BrendaF » Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:43 am

Thank you for your quick response Jeff. That is what I figured, but am very curious about the silver. Thanks again
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Hep C

Postby ceazar2 » Thu May 01, 2008 8:46 am

Hi Brenda,
I am a short timer on this Mesosilver, around the 12 of April, I had severe diarrhea for 30 days, I noticed a ponched belly was filling up with fluid, I knew it was my liver, on the advice of my family I went to the emergency room on 4/22 with at least 4 days of Silver taking.
The ER Dr told me to see my primary care Dr the same day being released, she seen me a week later, but gave me diaretics to get rid of the fluid, I cut down to 2 tsp of silver along with the medicine.
But I tell you that I have a lot more energy even though I was a blob and it started on my feet after I missed one dose.
I took my results and getting more a week after this Mesosilver, my question is whether I should take it with my Iterferon treatments and Atripla meds they want to start me on.
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Reply about mesosilver

Postby BrendaF » Thu May 01, 2008 10:19 am

Hi Ceazar2. I only took the silver for a short time. I quit taking it after about a week because it was making me feel very ill. I was probably taking too much of it at first. Anyway I backed off of it, BUT... there is a person out there who knows ALOT about treating this.
I have been using the information on his website. He rid his body of the nasty HEP C virus, and has ALOT of knowledge. You should go to his sight and read about the dangers of Interferon. Please DO THIS before you start taking the traditional treatments that the DRs are putting people on.
You can e-mail him and he will respond.
I'm not saying that the silver is bad, I'm just trying other alternatives, and I really believe what Lloyd has to say about this. I have seen people go through the interferon treatments and I would Never do it. Good Luck and God Bless, Brenda
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Not feeling well is the Herxheimer Reaction

Postby eagle » Thu May 01, 2008 12:21 pm

Brenda, you had a Herxheimer Reaction which is an indication that the silver was working to kill the virus. You should not have stopped.

For info on the Herxheimer Reaction, see:
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Reaction to Meso Silver

Postby ceazar2 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:07 pm

I have been taking the Silver since my last post bought the gallon size, it was doing great at least nothing was happening except a couple of days ago it, I started to sleep 20 hours, but I started protese inhibitors (Norvoir, Truvada, something else.)for my hiv on the 08/06/08, I wanted to wait 2 more days Sept 2 when I go see my doctor and then I will get my blood work done.
I've also been taking Liv52 and have to buy some more today and using milk thistle for a couple of times since I am taking the vitamin b complex because of the nervousness I get when something bothers me as I cannot take the St. John's wort with the medication.
I also been on Ensure because I was 20 lbs underweight and that has the Omega3 plus vitaimins but has sodium so I want to transfer to Boost.
I will keep in touch when I can.
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