Sinus and intestinal help

Sinus and intestinal help

Postby Lin » Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:00 pm

Will Green sent out information on MesoSilver and MesoCopper in one of his mailers, for which I am thankful. With the onset of the coronavirus I thought it would be a good idea to purchase the copper.

As I have aged I have had problems develop and I am reluctant to go to conventional physicians. I have been that route and I recognize there are many who can and will be helpful when needed. My preference is to do as much as I can in managing my health.

I placed an order for both silver and copper. The first night I received the product I had a tablespoon of the copper but did not try the silver until the next day. On adding the silver I began having pain in my gut, at about the waistline, but I continued on with both products. The next day or so I stopped taking the silver but stayed with the copper. I think I had both a viral infection and a bacterial infection at the same time. Staying on the copper alone for a day helped and the next day I began with the silver again but instead of a tablespoonful, I had a teaspoon full.

The copper has helped with an intestinal problem and the silver continues to help with the bacterial infection in the sinuses.

Having had success with these two products I decided to give the gold and platinum a try and see what improvement may come from them.

In His great wisdom God has given us elements for our use and health. Many thanks to those who provide these products for us.
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Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2020 5:42 pm

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